Risorse Strategiche per l'Adattamento ai Cambiamenti Climatici dei Litorali del Mediterraneo
The Africa and Near Mid-East Mediterranean The Mediterranean Regions in North Africa and in Near Mid-East and in Europe all share the same problems. To some extent, their situation may be less serious since they are less populated as a whole, but there are the location of some of the basin's most population-concentrated agglomerates, and in some cases the conditions are critical because of the uncontrolled urbanisation and urban sprawl. Adding to that the effects of massive infrastructures, such as the great setting back of the delta of the Nile after the construction of the Aswan dam, one must realise that the adaptation strategy must involve as many Mediterranean Regions as possible in order to seize this important occasion to bring them together again and cooperate for the sake of common future. This particular approach and the direct involvement of regional/local communities may assist us to overcome some of the political difficulties in the Middle Eastern countries and that possibly still hinder the effective launch of the Union for the Mediterranean. From a geo-political point of view, it is just as much important to have strong relationships with Northern African countries, whose continental platforms are very rich in sand, just like those in the North Sea. Among the most reliable public actors, and who are already partners of the BEACHMED e BEACHMED-e projects, there are the Moroccan public companyDRAPOR (Dragages des Ports - ) which is the most experienced company in sea management in Maghreb and the Tunisian public agency APAL (Agence pour l’Aménagement des Littoraux specialised in the scientific designing, maintenance and follow-up of sustainable defence interventions on the Tunisian coast.