ROME, ITALY, 29th-30th May 2008
Photographic documentation
The Regional Framework Operation BEACHMED-e has concluded the activities foreseen for the third and last Phase C. The results of phase C were presented in Rome during the Final Conference of the Operation on the 29th and 30th of May. The Conference took place in the Jolly Hotel Villa Carpegna Congress Centre and was attended by approximately 200 people. The 9 Subprojects developed during BEACHMED-e have reached a high degree of cooperation between the 36 Institutes from 4 EU Countries working in the field of coastal defence. The exchange of experiences already acquired and the sharing of new methodologies allowed us to improve the degree of knowledge concerning the sustainable management of Mediterranean coastal zones. The most important result of the Operation, from a strategic point of view, was the agreement between the political representatives of the Administrations-partners, which led to the signature of the “Bologna Charter”. This Charter testifies the political support to the initiative, born during BEACHMED-e, of creating an Observatory for the monitoring and the Defence of Mediterranean Coasts (EURIOMCODE). During the conference, the lead partners of the 9 Subprojects presented the results achieved on their own matter of study (Pilot Projects) during the phase of in depth analysis, application of the methodologies and implementation of new solutions. The Conference was also attended by political representatives of Administrations-partners and representatives of international organisations (CRPM, PAP-RAC, LATIN ARC, USACE Coastal & Hydraulics Laboratory) working on coastal management. Their involment was also strenghtened thanks to collaboration agreements and participation to the many initiatives organised during the three years of activity. |
BOLOGNA, ITALY, 22nd April 2008
Press Review
On April 22nd 2008, a Conference was held in Bologna in order to illustrate the results of the Beachmed-e Regional Framework Operation subprojects in Emilia-Romagna (Agenda). The local Partners participating in the project have provided a general overview of subprojects and have illustrated their outcomes, in particolar along the Emilia-Romagna coastal areas. |
Documents (in Greek language)
On April 10th 2008, a Conference took place in Xanthi in order to present the results of the local Partners participating to the Beachmed-e Regional Framework Operation subprojects in the East Macedonia and Thrace region. The conference was held in Greek language. |
FOLLONICA (GR) - TOSCANA, 4th-6th April 2008
Photographic Documentation
The “Integrated Coastal Zone Management: the role of municipalities and their collaboration with other local administrations in the implementation of defence interventions” was held in Follonica, in Tuscany, on the 4th and 6th April. The event was organised by Comune di Follonica together with ICRAM (The Marine Scientific and Technological Research Institute) as part of Obsemedi, one of the BEACHMED-e (INTERREGIIIC-South) Regional Framework Operation subprojects. The event was very well received and attended by representatives from all levels of regional authorities: Regione Toscana, Provinces of Livorno and Grosseto and Comune di Massa also attended, and contributed to the seminar by sharing their costal management experiences for those areas under their control. Even other local Italian authorities actively participated, such as Comune di Quartu Sant’Elena (Cagliari) and Comune di Lavagna (Genoa). This helped to provide a wider picture of experiences and issues concerning ICZM from the Italian municipalities point of view. Regione Lazio, BEACHMED-e Lead Partner Steering Committee, and Regione Liguria, ICRAM and APAT also attended. Ms. Petard, President of the Environment, Tourism and Agenda 21 of the Department of Hérault (Languedoc-Roussillon Region, France) made a precious contribution by highlighting the important role played by public agreements in providing support to the integrated coastal management field. Professor Nicola Greco’s presentation was much appreciated. He focused on the role of Italian municipalities within the ICZM programme and highlighted the need for regulations to be put in place to manage coastal zones and help resolve the conflicts of interests that often arise. Excursions along the coast of the Follonica Gulf, which included visits to costal defence structures and the Maremma Park, both organised and led by Professor Pranzini from the University of Florence, took place on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th. |
Heraklion - Crete (GR), 19th March 2008
Photographic Documentation
In the framework of the BEACHMED-e Operation, the conference on the coastal zones management for the promotion of the interregional Observatory EURIOMCODE was held in Heraklion (Crete). The event was organised by the Crete Region (Greece) on Wednesday 19th March 2008. Before the maritime Greek Regions and local Administrations, Lazio Region, leader partner of the Operation, introduced the BEACHMED-e activities, focusing its attention on the activities already started by the ObsEMedi Subproject, concerning the feasibility study for a European Observatory for the coastal defence. The initiatives already launched within the European planning 2007-2013 were introduced. On this occasion, the BEACHMED-e Operation brochure was translated in Greek. |
FIRENZE, ITALY, 22nd-23rd February 2008
Photographic Documentation
Press Review
On Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd February 2008 in Florence the 9th Steering Committee/Component and the Conference of Phase B progress Component 2 were held. The event was organised by Regione Toscana (Italy). During the 9th Steering Committee, the partner Regions regularly developed the activities foreseen by the agenda. The Friday's Conference was an occasion for the Subprojects’ Leaders of the Component 2 (OpTIMAL – NAUSICAA – ReSaMMé - EuDREP) to present the progress of the activities done during the Phase C. Moreover, two interventions were made by Mr Marco Betti (Assessore alla Difesa del Suolo e al Servizio Idrico de la Regione Toscana, Tuscany) and Ms Roselle E. Henn (USACE, New York District), who presented the New York District's Biological Monitoring Program for the Atlantic Coast of New Jersey. |

ROME, ITALY, 7th-8th February 2008
Photographic Documentation
On Thursday 7th and Friday 8th February 2008, Lazio Region welcomed the Intermediterranean Commission Working Group Seminar of the CPMR (Conference of the Periferic Maritime Regions). On Thursday, after the welcoming by the Director of the Lazio Region Territory Department, Dott. Raniero De Filippis, the CPMR Member Regions had the occasion to discuss the new operating requirements of the Working Group (new web spaces to make the exchange of experiences easier among the member regions, human resources research, etc.), to organise the monitoring activity of the “Blue Paper” and finally to identify the Working Group's priority themes. These themes include: 1) Data management; 2) Adapting to climate change in coastal areas; 3) Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM); 4) Yachting; 5) Pollution; 6) Research; 7) Deterioration of coastal residents’ living conditions; 8) Raising awareness about the development of maritime policies; 9) Fisheries. The second working day was dedicated to the divulgation and discussion of new project ideas for regional territorial cooperation in the coastal area for the European programming period 2007-2013. The Projects BEACHMED-Plan (Climate Change Risks and Sustainable planning along Mediterranean coasts), ADCLIME and COAST-CHANGE (Coastal Survey for Climate Change Risk Prevention) were presented and the functionality of the ENPI Program was discussed. |

MONTPELLIER, FRANCE, 30th November - 1st December 2007
Photographic Documentation
Press Review
On the 30th November and the 1st December 2007, Phase C - Component 3 - Progress Conference was held in Montpellier (FR). The Conference took place at the CONSEIL GENERAL DE L'HERAULT - Salle Vincent Badie / Hôtel du Département, 1000 rue d'Alco 34 087 MONTPELLIER Cedex 4 (FR). The 8th Steering Committee of the RFO partners preceded the Conference held on the 29th November. |

Green IFRIQIYA 2007 First International Forum of Investment and Employment for the Environment Premier
TUNIS, TUNISIA, 9th-11th November 2007
Press ReviewMr. Paolo Lupino was invited by the Tunisian Agency APAL (Agence de Protection et d'Aménagement du Littoral), observer partner of BEACHMED-e, to present the BEACHMED-e Operation at the international forum. |

ECOBEACH - 1st EXPOSITION ON LITTORAL An innovating concept in a unique site to improve the interaction between tourism economy and sustainable development
FREJUS, FRANCE, 8th-9th November 2007
The 1st Exposition on Littoral was held at Fréjus, in France, with the aim of creating new rules for the management and the use of the littoral. The BEACHMED-e Operation took part in the event thanks to its partner OCR Conseil Général de l'Hérault, in the person of Mr Philippe Carbonnel, who presented the results of BEACHMED projrcts and BEACHMED-e and was interviewed by Radio Trafic FM, a radio broadcast in the Southern part of France.
Link to the official site of the event. |

GENOVA, ITALY, 26th-27th October 2007
Photographic Documentation
Press Review
On the 26th and 27th October 2007, the Phase C -Component 4- Progress Conference was held in Genova (IT). The Conference took place at the "GALATA MUSEO DEL MARE" - Sala Vespucci, 4th floor, Calata de' Mari 1, Darsena Via Gramsci, Genova. The 7th Steering Committee of RFO partners preceded the Conference held on the 25th October. BEACHMED-e Conference is one of the events envisaged by the Coast-Day de PAP-RAC and by the Festival della Scienza of Genova. |

Coast Day - symbolic cleaning coast activity
In the framework of the Coast Day event on the 24th October 2007, the Subproject ICZM-MED, leaded by the Greek “Fisheries Research Institute - National Agricultural Research Foundation”, organised a symbolic cleaning coast activity with Greek local schools. |

Meeting of the CRPM Intermediterranean Commission's Maritime Policy Group
FIRENZE, ITALY, 16th October 2007
Lazio and Emilia-Romagna Regions, represented by BEACHMED-e coordinators, participated to the reunion of the Marine Political Group-CRPM. Its agenda concerned the discussion and the validation of CRPM contribution to the Green Book on climate change.
European Week of Regions and cities
Adapting to risks and the impacts of climate change: lessons from Europe's coastal zones
BRUXELLES, BELGIUM, 8th-11th october 2007
BEACHMED-e Coordinator Paolo Lupino participated to the event organised by the Committee of the Regions and the Commission in Bruxelles and presented the Operation. The Newsletter of the event cites Beachmed-e. |
Capitalisation Workshop INTERREG IIIC SUD Zone
ROME, ITALY, 2nd October 2007
BEACHMED-e Coordinator Paolo Lupino participated to the event organised in Rome by the JTS. |
Globalisation & Sustainable Development: The role of the organisations
Sup Agro MONTPELLIER, France, 27th and 28th September 2007
Mr. Philippe Carbonnel presented at the RIODD meeting the BEACHMED-e Operation, its objectives and its first results. |
EU Interregional Cooperation Forum 2007 - Celebrating INTERREG IIIC – Launching INTERREG IVC
LISBON, Portugal, 20th and 21st September 2007
The BEACHMED-e Coordinator Mr. Paolo Lupino and its Technical Secretariat participated to the event organised by the JTS for the launch of the new Program INTERREG IVC. The Forum was the occasion to arrange a stand in order to present the project proposal Coast-Sat "Coastal Survey Satellite for More Advanced Erosion and Climate Change Risk Assessment". This project develops the topic of the monitoring of the coastal changes at a European scale using satellite technologies as a tool for Administrations to plan and manage the coast. |
Collaboration Agreement PAP/RAC & BEACHMED-e
Regional Workshop to "Discuss and Adopt the Good Practices Guidelines on Beach Management in the Mediterranean”
LA VALLETTA, Malta 2nd and 3rd July 2007
Participants list
The “Regional Workshop to Discuss and Adopt the Good Practices Guidelines on Beach Management in the Mediterranean” organised by PAP/RAC (Priority Actions Programme / Regional Activity Centre, Split, Croatia; Mediterranean Action Plan, UNEP) was held in Valletta (Malta) last July 2nd and 3rd.
This initiative aims to prepare the Guidelines for the Mediterranean Beach Management PAP/RAC is currently working on. A draft set of beach management guidelines was developed and presented by Anton Micallef (Insular Coastal Dynamics - Gozo University Centre Malta) and Allan Williams (Swansea Institute University of Wales, UK).
The document was based on recent studies realised by PAP/RAC concerning the state of beach management in the Mediterranean, as well as on the findings of the on-going innovative research in this field.
Beach management guidelines will be presented as an integral component of ICZM reflecting current knowledge on best practice methodology and as an aid to effective management.
Among the several participants of the Workshop (see the list), the BEACHMED staff was represented by Mr. P.Lupino (Beachmed-e Coordinator) and Prof. M.Fabiano (University of Genova and ICZM-MED sub-project partner participant). The results of the BEACHMED project will be integrated into the final document, currently in progress by taking into account the workshop contributions.
This sharing comes from the agreement signed between PAP/RAC and Beachemd-e operation (see the Memorandum of Understanding)

BEACHMED-e – 6th Steering Committee/Component – Final Conference of Phase B Components 3 and 4
BARCELONA, Catalunya (Spain), 28th -29th June 2007
On Thursday 28th and Friday 29th June 2007 in Barcelona the 6th Steering Committee/Component and the Final Conference of Phase B Components 3 and 4 were held. Generalitat Catalunya (Spain) organised the event. During the 6th Steering Committee, the partners Region discussed the following agenda: Record confirmation of the 5th Steering Committee; The 3rd revaluation’s approval related to Operation’s budget; Modification questions’ approval related to Subprojects’ budget; Debate on Deadlines modification's requests for Progress Reports delivery from STC; Debate on Thematic aspects concerning the Subprojects technical activities' progress; Update of the Activities made in the Network Monitoring Group’s initiative; Presentation of the financing opportunities in the new planning 2007-2013; approval of Phase B activities calendar . The Friday's Conference was an occasion for the Subprojects’ Leaders of the Components 3rd and 4th (Medplan, ICZM-MED, GESA, POSIDuNE, ObsEMedi) to introduce the activities done during the Phase B. Moreover, Ivica Trumbic of PAP/RAC and Mr Hodson of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers intervened. Interesting experiences on Catalunya’s coastal management were introduced by Miriam Moyés (Generalitat de Catalunya), Augustin Sánchez-Arcilla (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) and Santiago Juan (Generalitat de Catalunya).
VITERBO (Italy), 25th June 2007
On Monday 25th June 2007, inViterbo, the first meeting between the presidency of the Thematic Group "Territory and Sustainable Development" of ARCO LATINO and BEACHMED-e was held. In January 2007, during the meeting of the ARCO LATINO Association (www.arcolatino.org) the presidency of the Thematic Group "Territory and sostenibile development" was assigned to Provincia di Viterbo and the vice-presidencies were assigned to the Conseil Général de l'Hérault and to the Diputación de Huesca. The Group kick-off took place on the 2nd-3rd May and on that occasion the Group Action Plan was introduced. If we consider that the Association includes all the second level administrations oof the coastal and island regions of the Western Mediterranean, the problem of beach erosion is a very sensitive one.
The President of the Provincia di Viterbo Alexander Mazzoli, General Manager Luciano Dottarelli, the Operating Manager of ARCO LATINO Giuseppe Fraticello and the BEACHMED-e Coordinator Paolo Lupino participated to the meeting. They examined the common topics and expressed their intention to develop joint initiatives. In particular, the following concrete initiatives were oulined: 1. ARCO LATINO will sign the "Bologna Chart" during the next General Assembly of the Association in TOLONE next 2nd-3rd October; 2. the Group "Territory and Sustainable Development" will actively participate to the works of the BEACHMED-e’ subprojects (GESA, POSIDUNE and OBSEMEDI). In conceiving pilot projects, topics implying a direct collaboration will also be identified; 3. Parallel start-up of a preliminary study activity to select and define specific topics to be developed in partnership at the next FESR 2007-2013 or for future European plans. Contacts and information:
ARCO LATINO: alexandra.kugler@cg66.fr, direttoregenerale@provincia.vt.it
DEN HAAG (The Netherlands), 20th-21st June 2007
US Army Corps of Engineers invited Paolo Lupino to introduce the Operation BEACHMED-e activities during the Find Fact Meeting held at Den Haag, Netherlands. This was another occasion to introduce BEACHMED-e activities and to study planning activities currently adopted in the Northern Europe coastal regions. |
CosCo Final Workshop
Dresden (D), 1st June 2007
POSIDUNE subproject activities were illustrated by ICRAM during the final Workshop of the INTERREG IIIC project CosCo "Regional cycle development through coastal co-operation - seagrass and algae focus", that took place in Dresden on the 1st June 2007. The overall objective of the CosCo Project is to reduce the high costs of beach cleansing by recycling flotsam and using it in an economically meaningful way. On the other hand, one of the objectives of POSIDUNE subproject is related to the experimentation of an alternative use of beached Mediterranean seagrass for coastal protection and dune restoration. The participation of POSIDUNE lead partner (ICRAM) to the CosCo final conference was an important opportunity to improve both projects and to actively exchange experiences about common topics, such as beach cleansing technology, flotsam treatment, product development, as well as ICZM. Presentation pdf
38th CIESM Congress
Istanbul, 17th April 2007
BEACHMED-e Operation and the general progress of its activities were illustrated during the 38th CIESM Congress (Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée). Particular attention was focused on the Subproject OBSEMEDI, concerning the feasibility study of a European Interregional Observatory for the Mediterranean Coasts Defence (EURIOMCODE), and on the “Bologna Chart" signed by the representatives of the Partner Regions, in the framework of the 5th BEACHMED-e Steering Committee meeting, in order to grant support and promotion to the European Observatory system.
The presentation, entitled “Definition and operating verification of instruments and procedures for the management and the sustainable development of the Mediterranean beaches”, was exposed during the afternoon session of the 6th Scientific Committee meeting (Coastal Ecosystems – evolution of coast line, vulnerability and environmental impacts).
Tarragona, 2nd March 2007
The DEDUCE technical Conference showed how to evaluate the practical use of the 28 indicators formulated by the Work Group on Data and Indicators. The results of the project showed that calculating them can cause many problems. These problems were stressed during the following discussion. As a matter of fact, if it is hard to calculate these indicators, it is even more difficult to practically apply them. Therefore, the short greeting Mr Paolo Lupino addressed to the Conference, on behalf of the Framework Regional Operation BEACHMED-e, was particularly important. He stressed the fact that the ICZM-MED sub-project will examine possibility to apply indicators 25,26 and 27 in order to evaluate the incidence of the erosion phenomenon and morphologic dynamics of shorelines in the integrated management. The coordinator of the DEDUCE project, Mr Xavier Marti I Rague, is currently working in order for this to be done at the Final Conference, which will be held next June 1st in Bruxelles. On that occasion, the first results of the cooperation with the ICZM-MED subproject of BEACHMED-e will be discussed in a round table. |
INTERREG IIIC BEACHMED-e 5th Steering Committee/Components - Phase B Conference of Component 2
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna (IT)
22nd-23rd February 2007
On Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd February 2006, the 5th Steering Committee/Component and the Phase B/Component 2 Final of the Framework Operation BEACHMED-e were held in Bologna. These initiatives were organised by Regione Emilia-Romagna (Italy). During this week-end in Bologna, a great step foward was made for the defense of the Mediterranean coasts : the “ Bologna Chart” was signed. By signing this document, the European regions committed to cooperate for the promotion of a European interregional observatory for the defense of the Mediterranean coasts. The political representatives of the Regione Emilia-Romagna, Regione Liguria, Département de l'Hérault, Generalitat de Catalunya already adhered and there is already the opportunity to extend the proposal to other Administrations . The agenda of the 5th Steering Committee/Componrnt included : - Ratification of the 4th Steering Committee/Component report; - Discussion of the activities developed during the semester June-December 2007 ; - Updating of the event calendar June 2007-June 2008 ; - Program of the BEACHMED-e publications; - Development of a new format for the Conformity Reports ; - Presentation of the financial results ésentation (BICLAZIO). During the Friday's meeting, the lead partners of the 4 Component 2 BEACHMED-e Subprojects presented the activities accomplished in the framework of PHASE B. As regards BEACHMED-e international cooperations, the conference was also attended by : Eng. Jack E. Davis (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), Prof. Xavier Marti Rague (Projet INTERREG IIIC DEDUCE); Prof. Giovanni Randazzo (Projet INTERREG IIIC MESSINA).
2nd February 2007
c/o Consorci el Far, Barcelona
Meeting in Barcelona between INTERREGIIIC projects DEDUCE and BEACHMED-e: This meeting was about the ICZM technologies and was attended by Mr. Xavier Martì Ragué, E.U. project DEDUCE (INTERREG IIIC) . Being in contact with others' experiences in this field is strategic for many reasons : to avoid repetition in the outcomes; to reach more advanced results by means of a real exchange of experiences; and to uniform parameters and evaluation criteria. This meeting was a good opportunity to improve both projects, e.g. evaluating the practical use of the ICZM indicators set by the Work Group on Indicator and Data (EU Integrated Coastal Zone Management Expert Group).
The agenda of the meeting included:
1) state of the art of the two projects;
2) proposal of an analysis of WG ID indicators n° 25,26,27 and 28;
3) possible cooperation between DEDUCE and BACHMED-e
The meeting was reserved to the OCR partners and to the partners of the sub-project ICZM-MED. |
4th Steering Committee/Components
and Phase A Conference
Alexandroupoli (Greece)
9th - 10th November 2006
Photographic documents
Press Conference
On Thursday 9th and Friday the 10th 2006 the 4th Steering Committee/Component and the final conferebce of the Beachmed Framework operation Phase A took place in Alexandroupoli. The initatives were organised by the Region East Macedonia and Thrace (Greece). After the press conference held by the coordinator of the operations and the local authorities, the 4th Steering Committee/Component discussed the following agenda : - Ratification of the proceedings of the 3rd Steering Committee/Component; - Ratification of the 12th budget modification of the operation ; - Ratification of the local participant CIRSA's renouncement to the SP 3.2 and approvation of his substitution with DISTART; - Analysis of the subprojects congruity reports and approvation of the relative Component by the Committee; - Discussion about the activities carried out during the semester January-June 2006; - Initiative for next semester's activities; - Presentation of the financial procedures results (BICLAZIO); - summary of the activities carried out by the Monitoring Network Group; - Presentation of the new site www.beachmed.it. During the Friday's conference, the lead partners of nine Beachmed-e subprojects presented the activities carried out in the framework of PHASE A. Before the presentation of the activities, some international experts took the floor : Prof. Konstantinos Goudas (Université de Patras) ; Ing Bill Curtis (Associates Technical Director Coastal & Hydraulics Laboratory US Army Corps of Engineers). |
Seminary on the interventions for the defense of the Hérault's littoral
Villeneuve-lés-Maguelone, 16th October 2006
Article published on "Midi Libre"
On Monday the 16th October 2006, in the framework of the Beachmed-e operation, the Departement de l'Hèrault organised a visit open to the public to the building yard of Villeneuve lès Maguelone, with the person in charge of the works , Mr Philippe Carbonnel, who explained the strategies for the protection of the littoral.
Start up Conference Project GERER INTERREG IIIA
Palau, 30th June 2006
On Friday the 30th June, the start-up conference of the project GERER "Integrated environmental management in areas of high risk of erosion” (INTERREG IIIA) took place in Palau, at the Municipality Council room. Among the participants: the Town councillor for the environment of the Region Sardegna, the Director of the coasts keeper's office, the Mayor, the Town councillor for the environment of the Muncipality of Palau (Lead Partner of the project) and the representatives of the other scientific partners of the projects. The presence of a delegation from the OCR BEACHMED-e Technical Secretariat and from the subproject POSIDuNE made it possible to promote the operation and enabled GERER partners to exchange different points of view on the common topics. The partners also stressed their willingness to cooperate and to compare their different methodologies and results while simultaneously carrying out the projects. Finally, the Region Sardegna showed its great interest for BEACHMED-e and candidated itself as an observer partner for the operation. |
Coastal Practice Network INTERREG IIIC
Samothraki, 14th-18th June 2006
The municipality of Samothraki, in collaboration with MEDITERRANEAN SOS NETWORK, organised a 5-days seminary to focus the attention on sustainable development of toursim in the coastal zones. This initiative is part of the European project CoPraNet, a INTERREG IIIC Network project launched in January 2004 and due to end in December 2006. CoPraNet aims at helping establishing a coastal network among the subjects involved in the sector; at bridging the gap existing between the planners, the managers and the European scientific community; at supporting an interregional exchange of best practises in the framework of the integrated management (ICZM) and the sustainable development of the coastal zones. Given the scope of these objectives, we decided the Beachmed-e operation had to participate, so the Region East Macedonia and Thrace sent a representative who presented the program of the works to be done in the framework of the BEACHMED-e operation. The CoPraNet coordinators were invited to take part to the initiative of the Beachmed-e operation. Joint activities are being studied in order to strenghen the network as far as these topics are concerned. |
Beachmed-e à EUROPE1
The French channel EUROPE1 dedicated a flash to the Beachmed-e operation on the 17th May 2006 during the program "Vous allez en entendre parler..", presented by Camille Langlade, correspondant in Rome. (http://www.europe1.fr/antenne/grille.jsp "recherchez une émission par date")

Among the initiatives the administrations have to launch in order to tackle coastal erosion in an efficient and valid way, there are the interventions on the solid part of the coast which try to reestablish a more favorable, resilient and sustainable sedimentation cycle for the nourishment of the coasts. It is therefore important to establish the intervention modalities on the river/littoral system, in order to give the coast a greater sedimentary supply, without affecting the existing activities and balances. These aspects were dealt with during the Workshop “L’enterrement des réservoirs artificiels” which took place in Taormina on the 2nd and 4th May 2006, and which was organised by the Agricultural Engineering Departement of the University of Catania and by the Centro di studi di economia applicata all'ingegneria of Catania. The Workshop was the occasion for the Research institutes, the managers of the reservoirs and the administration to meet. It highlighted the need to study this theme in depth, considering not only the economic technical feasability of the sediment deposit, but also the administrative and legal aspects of activities such as the drawing and reutilisation of this material. In this sense, the European project ALPRESERV (Sustainable Sediment Management of ALPine RESERVoirs considering ecological and economical aspects ) INTERREG IIIB (Alpine Space), was very useful, because it deals with these technical problems in a very specific way. Among the participants of the Workshop, there was also the Italian Dams Registry, which is involved in the Beachmed-e operation subproject 3.3, called GESA. Some critical elements were underlined, such as the low production of plans for the removal of gravel and mud from the reservoirs, provided for by the legislative decree 152/99, and the lack of an Italian legislation on the subject matter - according to which, Basin authorities are not supposed to participate to the planning activities for this sector.

3rd Steering Committee and Subprojects Start up Conference
Rome, Regione Lazio (IT)
27th-28th April 2006
Photographic documentation
Friday the 28th April 2006, the Subprojects start-up conference
provided for in the framework of the BEACHMED-e Regional Framwork
Operation (European Programme INTERREG IIIC-South) was held in Rome, at
the Hotel Palazzo Carpegna, congress centre. The conference was
preceeded by the 3rd Steering Committee of the regional partnership,
which took place on Thursday the 27th April at the same Centre. The two
initiatives were organised by Regione Lazio, lead partner of the
BEACHMED-e partnership. During the 3rd Steering Committee, the
following agenda was discussed 3: - Approvation of the proceedings of
the 2nd Steering Committee held in Montpellier on the 2nd and 3rd
February 2006; - Discussion and approvation of the Subprojects subsidy
contract; - Ratification of the list of the accepted subprojects
proposals and of the relative partnership; - Ratification of the
Subprojects Interpartnership Convention; - Presentation of the news and
potentialities of the official website of the operation
www.beachmed.it; - Presentation of the financial situation
of the Operation (by BIC Lazio, consultant of Regione Lazio); -
Description of the future activities of the RFO partnership (monitoring
procedures of the subprojects activities and creation of an operational
group for the monitoring of the European projects network on coastal
defence); - Discussion and approvation of the detailed calendar of
future activities; - Date of the next Steering Committee in Komotini
(Greece). This Committee concluded the first part of the Operation that
envisages to assign 9 subprojects to 9 transnational operational
partnerships, composed of 38 bodies and local authorities, Research
institutes and Universities working on the territory of BEACHMED-e
Administrations partners.
Conference held in Rome on the 28th April was the venue to officially
present the 9 subprojects that will enable us to develop the specific
measures envisaged by the Operation. After the opening address by Mr
Raniero De Filippis (Regional Director for the Environment and the
Cooperation among peoples Regione Lazio), we decided the goals of the
European project Interreg IIIC as well as the programme of the
BEACHMED-e activities and the procedure for the public selection and
approvation of the 9 subprojects. The activities carried out by the
Ministry for the Environment and the Territory in the framework of
"coastal defense" were illustrated by Mr Leonardo Di Maggio,
General Direction for the soil defense. After the opening session, each
lead partner presented the activities envisaged by the 9 subprojects
approved. A session was dedicated to each of the 3 RFO Components so
that the heads of the Components could make their presentations. Two
American experts in the field of coastal defence as well as the
Ministry for the Productive Activities further developed the subject
matter. These contributions to the introduction of the Components
number 2 and 3 were presented by Mr Jack E. Davis (Technical Director, Coastal & Hydraulics Laboratory US Army Engineer R&D Center), and by Mr Joseph R. Vietri
(Chief, Planning & Policy Civil Works Director national Planning
Center of Expertise For Hurricane and Storm Damage U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers). Mr Egidio Boda, Ministry for the Productive Activities, made the
contribution to Component 4 about the legal aspects and the
perspectives of the mining activities of mineral substances at sea
2nd Steering Committee and Workshop
Montpellier, Conseil Général de l'Hérault (FR) 2nd-3rd February 2006
On Thursday the 2nd
February and Friday the 3rd February 2006, the 2nd Steering Committee
and the technical Workshop of the Beachmed-e operation were held in
Montpellier. The logistics of the two initiatives was coordinated by
the RFO partners "Département de l’Hérault" and "Service Maritimes et
Navigation du Languedoc Roussillon (SMNLR)". During the 2nd Steering
Committee, the topics discussed included: the approvation of the List of the admitted candidates for the development of the subprojects, the approvation of the Specifications and the Invitation letter for the participation to the subprojects , the new ldetailed calendar
for the subprojects start-up procedure and the date of the 3rd Steering
Committee in Rome. With this Committee, we have basically launched the
final phase of the first part of the operation, which envisages to
assign the 9 subprojects to 9 European partners. The Workshop which was
held on the 3rd February at the Salle Jean Bène, Conseil Général de
l’Hérault, was the occasion for all the admitted candidates (more than
50 including Universities, Research institutes and territorial bodies)
to meet. They discussed the technical aspects linked to the development
of the 9 Measures described in the Objectives Report and promoted the
creation of local partnerships. The welcoming addresses by Mr. André
Vezinhet, President of the Conseil général de l’Hérault, Mr Louis
Calmels, Vice-President, Mr. Bernard Pomel, Director of the
Interministerial Mission for the management of the Languedoc-Roussillon littoral and Mr Michel Wepierre, Director of the maritime and navigation service of Languedoc-Roussillon, were followed by a presentation of the BEACHMED-e Regional Framework operation activities made by the coordinator Mr Paolo
Lupino. Three different round tables (one for each component) were arranged for discussing the activities concerning the exchanges and the contacts and were coordinated by the people in charge of the Component and the Measure. During the round tables. the admitted candidates had the possibility to organise local partnerships. Local press focused on the initiative (Newspaper Midi libre, 4th February 2006) and the Coordinator of the Hérault, Mr Philippe Carbonnel was interviewed on this topic by the Tv channel FR3 on Friday the 3rd February, at 6.40 p.m.
28th - 29th November 2005, Brussels
The “Forum INTERREG IIIC”, which tool place on Monday the 28th November, drew up a balance on the European funds allocated, and focused on the first results reached by the INTERREG IIIC operations currently underway all over Europe. The Forum was also the venue to discuss future possible interregional cooperations for the next programming period. Representatives from the European Commission and from other important European institutions were invited to participate, as well as the lead partners of all the INTERREG IIIC operations. The aim pf “INTERREG IIIC Lead partnerd Day”, which took place on Tuesday the 29th November, was to help the lead partners of 264 INTERREG IIIC projects to concretely optimise their results in order to improve regional development in a sustainable way, in and out of the operations. This day was also the venue for the lead partners to meet and discuss together about the operating having a similar topic. On this occasion, the representatives of the BEACHMED-e operation presented the problems they encountered and developped new relationships. (Thematic Exchange Meetings - Time-table).

Pinebay Resort, Kusadasi - Turkey
25th-26th-27th October 2005
Since the first conference organised in Antalya, Turkey, on the 2nd-5th November 1993, the six events of this series of MEDCOAST conferences on the "Mediterranean coastal environment " made it one of the most important scientific and enviornmental meetings dedicated to the coastal region management in the Mediterranean and in the Black See. During the six conferences, many articles were written and they were all published in 16 books, containing about 11,500 pages, and in 4 special editions of two important magazines about coastal management. These meetings, as well as 3 thematic workshops and one specialised conference, organised over a period of 12 years, made the MEDCOAST group more and more crowded. We also want to stress the importance of the many cooperation initiatives carried out. The BEACHMED-e partners presented many works, including: (article n. 151) monitoring systems and large-scale evaluation of beach erosion, (article n. 152) technical, environmental and economic problems linked to submarine sand used for the reconstruction and the nourishment of beaches suffering from erosion (BEACHMED U.E. project), (article n. 153) cost-benefit analysis for the nourishment and conservation of beaches, (article n. 154) cost analysis concerning the reconstruction of works for the coastal defense.
1st Steering Committee
Heraklion - Crete (GR), 13th-14th october 2005
Photographic documentation
The first Steering Committee represents a fundamental meeting for the start-up of the BEACHMED-e project. On this occasion, the representatives of the operational bodies will be nominated (Responsables de Mesure , Component Committee), the internal regulation will be formally set (see the official documents) and the start-up procedures will be established. Moreover, we will adopt the Objectives Report describing the goal of the Mesures, which will be used as a basis for the subprojects to be developed. The participation to this Committe is reserved to the 9 partners of the Regional Framework Operation (RFO), responsible for launching and following the subprojects; and to the Joint Technical Secretariat, which is organised by the Municipality of Valencia for the programme INTERREG IIIC-Sud. At the end of the first Steering Committee, thanks to the institution of the committees and the nomination of the representatives necessary for the project, it will be possible to publish the Call for the selection of the interested parties (public bodies). This step is necessary in order to publish the call for tenders and therefore to start the activities of the subprojects.
Beachmed-e PRESS REVIEW:
IRAKLIOTIKA NEA " News from Heraklion" - (title: ENTAMÉS LES TRAVAUX DU PREMIER CdP DE OCR BEACHMED-e) article published on the 14th October 2005 ;
NEA KRITI "Nouvelle Crète" - (title: L' ÉROSION MARITIME MANGE LA CÔTE CRÊTIENNE) article published on the 14th October 2005;
PATRIS "Patrie" - (title: ON RECHERCHE LES MÉTHODES POUR LA DÉFENSE DE LA CÔTE MÉDITERRANÉENNE) article published on the 14th October 2005;
KRITIKI EPITHEORISI "Magazine de Crète" - (title: ENTAMÉS LES TRAVAUX DU PREMIER CdP DE OCR BEACHMED-e) article published on the 14th October 2005. |