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«Strategic management of beach protection for sustainable development

of Mediterranean coastal zones»



Search for submarine sand in the Mediterranean Sea:

Search for submarine deposits in the Mediterranean area in order to establish possible masses of sand which can be used to nourish beaches suffering from erosion, as well as help create and share guidelines for future research projects



The subproject RESAMME Minimize

The ResSaMMè project was set up by six European partners (Italian, French, Spanish and Greek) who decided to pool together their experience. The goal is to exploit the technical tools available when analysing the characteristics and potential use of natural sand resources on the continental shelf within their regions, therefore slowing down erosion along the Mediterranean coasts. This should result in the guidelines required to develop a common protocol which will define the standards and terminology and also take research strategies into account. The project, based on of the outcome of the European BEACHMED (Interreg IIIb – Medocc) and the «Ipotesi di linee-guida per la ricerca in mare di masse sabbiose da utilizzare per il ripascimento dei litorali soggetti ad erosione» (Guideline Options for research at sea of sand masses to be used for the beach nourishment of eroding coasts) paper written by "La Sapienza” Rome University together with Genoa University, aims to evaluate the potential availability of sand and gravels in the submarine deposits of participating countries. This includes new and existing sources whose main characteristics are to be analysed in order to verify their suitability for beach nourishment activities for the various coastal areas. Finally, a summary of partners’ experience in this field will contribute to the creation of a methodological protocol which can be used for this type of research and analysis (main results). Coastlines of countries involved will benefit directly from the project. Thanks to the sustainability of results and the opportunity to transfer initiatives to other European coastal zones with similar problems the project will have a positive impact on the future, and will create the foundations for further research and development.


Administrative and managing documents Minimize
 TitleOwnerCategoryLast UpdatedSize (Kb) 
Contrat de Subvention, Contratto di Sovvenzione, Subsidy Contract Selene pedetta pecciaText20/04/2009 467.27 Download
Convention Interpartenariale, Convenzione Interpartenariale, Cooperation Agreement Selene pedetta pecciaText20/04/2009 1,980.84 Download
Dossier de Candidature consolidé, Dossier di candidatura consolidato, Retained Candidature Form Selene pedetta pecciaText20/04/2009 1,003.09 Download
Dossier de Candidature updated October 2007 P2.3 Administrator 14/02/2008 660.99 Download
Dossier de Candidature: updated December 2006 P2.3 Administrator 14/02/2008 655.36 Download
First Progress Report: June 2006 P2.3 Administrator 14/02/2008 1,281.02 Download
Fourth Progress Report: December 2007 P2.3 Administrator 14/02/2008 1,589.76 Download
ReSaMMé: first request for budget changes - December 2006 P2.3 Administrator 14/02/2008 54.78 Download
ReSaMMé: Second request for budget changes - October 2007 P2.3 Administrator 14/02/2008 62.98 Download
Second Progress Report: December 2006 P2.3 Administrator 14/02/2008 1,344.00 Download
Tableaux Budgétaires, Tabelle Budgetarie, Budget Tables Selene pedetta pecciaTableaux10/04/2009 387.02 Download
Third Progress Report: June 2007 P2.3 Administrator 14/02/2008 1,361.92 Download
Activities technical reports and Presentations Minimize
 TitleOwnerCategoryLast UpdatedSize (Kb) 
Extended Report Phase B RESAMME P2.3 Administrator 29/06/2007 15,986.50 Download
Présentation Conférence de Démarrage des SP, Presentazione Conferenza di Avvio dei SP, SP Start-up Conference Presentation Selene pedetta pecciaPresent.10/04/2009 321.67 Download
Rapporto esteso di fase A - Extended report phase A - Rapport étendu de fin de phase A P2.3 Administrator 20/03/2007 11,957.35 Download
ReSaMMé Extended report Phase C P2.3 Administrator 24/06/2008 38,200.04 Download
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