Risorse Strategiche per l'Adattamento ai Cambiamenti Climatici dei Litorali del Mediterraneo
Le Università If on the one side the administrations in charge of coastal planning must play a leadership role in territorial adaptation projects, on the other, the contribution from the scientific community is fundamental in order to find the most recent and sustainable technological solutions to the problems identified by the administrations. With the above-mentioned Beachmed-e project (Regional Framework Operation, INTERREG IIIC programme), the partner Public Administrations (9) coordinated 30 Universities/Institutes for the implementation of 9 projects. Thanks to this organisation, concrete results were achieved, such as the identification and characterisation of several submarine sand fields (Département de l’Hérault, Regione Liguria) or the identification and characterisation of sand stocks to be used for beach nourishment (Generalitad de Catalunia) or even the follow-up of climate change at a regional level (Regione Emilia-Romagna, Direction Régionale de l’Equipement Languedoc-Roussillon), etc. This kind of organisation is exactly what we need to launch a Mediterranean research programme whose aim is to find resources to be used against CC risks. Therefore, with this experience in mind, we must involve all the scientific structures that have developed a highly advanced and well targeted know-how in the field of sustainable adaptation policies to CC.
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